These cooking conversion charts will help you to easily & quickly convert U.S. measurements to metric...or vise versa. For all my friends across the sea. The first chart is for volume and the second is for weight.
Lastly, the third chart is helpful when you're trying to convert between what the package says (typically in ounces) and what the recipe measurement is (typically in cups, teaspoons or tablespoons).
It drives me crazy when something calls for a certain number of ounces and I have a package that has the wrong amount of ounces and I need to divide it somehow. This has always been a guessing game for me and I tend to estimate a lot since I don't have a kitchen scale.
You will find in my recipes, that there are very few ounce measurements without the equivalent in cups, teaspoons, etc. because I try to translate them so you don't have to, but just in case you need this for other recipes, here are the measurement conversions for U.S. cooking measurements.
Metric Equivalents by Volume
Metric Equivalents by Weight
Measurement Equivalents